It is the end of an era. Today our beloved, Mickey, was released from his pain. He joins his dearest friend, Maggie. Mickey was a wonderful dog, even said from the unbiased. He came to us as a small broken puppy. Just six pounds, he was covered in road rash and had a broken leg. A vet with a heart refused to euthanize him right then and there. This sweet pup with the loving eyes deserved a chance. So we came on as "foster" parents who knew that it would be a permanent post. Mick was ours, and we were his. He grew, and then grew again. And then he grew even more. He topped out at about 115 pounds. Long of limb, he enjoyed bounding along with Maggie bulleting by his side. Sometimes that old broken leg would hurt, and he would tripod his way through life. Always happy. He could sing along to "Old MacDonald" and remember to woof in the right places. He could also sing his own songs.
Mickey moved with us to the country side of New Mexico. He discovered the joys of being a country dog. Chasing errant cows, treeing the cat and chasing guineas were all things he enjoyed. Mickey also loved the snow. He was the first one to go out and play and the last one to come in.
Mickey loved his job with his family. Those were his babies. No one who didn't have his approval could get near them. And even then they were closely watched. When the therapists came to work with the twins, he was right there. Any floor time with a child also meant floor time with Mickey. One therapist refered to him as "the Bubble Nazi" because no bubbles were permitted to touch the floor--ever. The children were always safe from rogue bubbles.
We some times called him the "Fun Police" because any horsing around that caused the kids to squeal and scream was quickly dispersed by him.
Mickey went on vacation to Ute Lake this past summer. He loved being with "his" kids and by "his" it also meant the Gramzow kids. He got to go to the beach and play in the lake. He fussed and cried if his kids swam out too far. He perfered that everyone stay in chest deep water-his chest deep. He was able to ramble freely all over a spit of land with no leash or tether. He spent the evenings with Jori and I, with his head over one of the house's A/C floor vents.
But the past couple of weeks held little joy for one so happy. His back hurt, his legs hurt, things had gotten so confusing. He cried at night. He paced. He isolated from his beloved family. We think it was either a stroke or dementia. Finally last night, as Steve sat with him and tried to hold his paw, he lashed out in pain. Mickey the gentle giant could hold it together no more. He was on every arthritis med and painkiller we could give him, but it was time.
Kindly our vet, Dr. Bartlet, and her assitant, Joan, came to the house and Mickey slipped into his deep sleep. We so miss our "Mouse". We buried him next to Maggie and are very sure that even now, they romp and play as they had in their youth. Joined by Sprocket who was there first.
Good Bye, my baby Mickey. You gave us 12 wonderful years. I love you and I can't wait to see you again.
Mickey Rooney
8/1996 - 9/2008