Sunday, February 23, 2014

Picture Time!


Thus come sorrows

Not two weeks after the Mighty Moe passed, Chico decided to follow.  He went on his own terms, much as he lived his life.

I don't currently have a photo, but in the end, he grew to love Moe, latching onto his in a bond of friendship that surprised us all.

He briefly took the kids out at the arena, maintaining serious giddy-up and go into his advanced age.

Happy Trails, Chico-san

Forever and Ever

So much happened.  There were trips to Texas, there was a family move (sister), there were painful losses. 

Before I continue with a review in pictures, It is time to say good bye.

The Mighty Moe

Moe came to us for a trade in Padre tickets and Zoo passes.  He came into us as a stallion, but we had to nip that problem in the...well, you know.

I used to pony him off of Shiloh and we traveled the hills and trails of back county San Diego.  He was sure footed and instinctively knew when to say beside us, or when to drop behind.

Sometimes he would try to run ahead and end up galloping circles around Shiloh.

I trained him to cart.  He loved to clip clop down the street, as long as it wasn't too hot and that food had to be involved.   He gleefully wore balloons, ribbons and even a sound system.

When the babies started to come, he remained calm and secure and put up with little hands braiding, and pulling, chasing and riding.  He went willingly with the idea that kids could ride him, trotting along at his jaunty pace.

He was willing.  Since I remain trailer poor, I once asked him to go for a ride in a mini-van, which he did, because at the end of that ride was a birthday party.  He gave rides and ate cake, hopping back into the van at the end of the party.

In the end, lingering founder and arthritis caused him to slow up and finally stop.

He went to meet Challenger on sunny day.  He had gotten to the point that he could no longer leave his stall, though he tried to be a good boy and shake hands to the end.

We raise a salute to the Mighty Moe.  He never was mean, he never had terrible pony behavior.  I can see him running greener pastures now, with a swing of his blond mane, to remind us just how mighty he is.