Saturday, September 26, 2009


When my twins still slept under my heart, I could feel their movements and knew when they touched. At first they would lurch away from one another, strangers in a shared space, but as the weeks went by, they touched and bumped constantly. On the ultrasound, I could see them grabbing hands and touching faces, content with knowing they were together.
After their birth, they spent several days apart, each on a separate but similar journey to survive in this cold and dry world. Then after they stabilized, they were put together again and in a short moment, their hands found one another again. They would sleep with fingers stretched, touching one another's faces. They would reach, and stroke and let their fingers drifted over the other. The foreign feeding tubes and eye shields were often slid off and pulled out by the curious fingers.
As they grew large, we moved them to separate cribs, always in sight of each other, but not in touching distance because they would keep each other awake.

During rest times, they often stretched on the floor together, toes tapping legs, hands touching heads. When separated, they would inquire for one another and voice their frustrations at being alone.
When we started them with "big boy" beds, they each had a mattress on the floor, and invariably, we would find that they had rolled, to the center, to touch once again.
They grew even more, and at school, during nap time, they would often stray towards one another, seeking the comfort of that one they had know before birth.

They changed, they grasped their individuality. They had separate beds, different tastes, different clothes. The sought change, they explored at different levels. They sought each other in moments of difficulty and joy.

And now....they are six, gazing firmly at seven. They have touched briefly with reason, but don't fully grasp it. They stand firm with each other, but on occasion against each other. They cheer each other, they support each other and they compete with one another.

And yet....................and yet, the last several nights, when I steal quietly into their rooms, to stroke their soft faces, to kiss their heads and whisper goodnight................they have once again sought each other out. Sometimes on the top bunk, sometimes snugged in the cave like bottom bunk. Arms, draped over each other, fingers seeking that familiar other, legs sprawled and their breathing they did when they were new.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare quote.....

I mentioned on my facebook page, that Shakespeare was a universal man, his thoughts and writings are as applicable today, as they were years ago.

I found some of my books, and was excited to see that, despite many moves, my copy of the Riverside Shakespeare, unabridged, is still with me.

This one seems to suit my life right now:

"..It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying, nothing."

Macbeth, act 5 v 26

Macbeth, for those who haven't read it, is a woeful tale of ambition and deceit. It is in the story of a previously honorable manwho is lead down a road of fantasy, most in his own head, that leads him to commit dark and terrible acts. Acts that he feels justified about. It is in the end, when his wife commits suicide to escape her conscience, that he realizes the futility of his actions and utters these words. However, like a glacier, his actions are unstoppable. He knows he turned off the correct path, but is incapable of turning around, he crossed a line with his actions and internally understands this.

Yes, this is a departure from my whimsical reflections of my family, but after posting a couple of "overly educated" quotes on Face Book, and getting told that I made other people look stupid (not my intent) I decided, well, my blog is my own! So I can fill it as I wish..............

"As you wish........" (movie quote, The Princess Bride, loved it!)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Laundry Loot

Into every Mother's life, laundry must fall.
In mine, there remains the mystery of
Laundry Loot.
These are all things that I have collected that
have gone through my wash.
Not included are handfuls of dessicated fuzzy wuzzies,
one lizard tail, innumerable flowers, twigs and branches.
Here are the highlights.


Hardware, not mine.

Money, foreign, domestic and fake


items to help me "stone wash"

And finally, Huh?

A vinyl shamrock
a seashell (???)
a corn on the cob holder
a bird leg band
and what I think are G.I. Joe's dog tags