Sunday, September 13, 2009

Laundry Loot

Into every Mother's life, laundry must fall.
In mine, there remains the mystery of
Laundry Loot.
These are all things that I have collected that
have gone through my wash.
Not included are handfuls of dessicated fuzzy wuzzies,
one lizard tail, innumerable flowers, twigs and branches.
Here are the highlights.


Hardware, not mine.

Money, foreign, domestic and fake


items to help me "stone wash"

And finally, Huh?

A vinyl shamrock
a seashell (???)
a corn on the cob holder
a bird leg band
and what I think are G.I. Joe's dog tags

1 comment:

suzanne said...

This is a great post! I never find anything in my wash. I did wash one of Donald's iPods, and a cell phone when we lived in London. But those were very expensive mistakes so I am extremely careful now. But I guess this is what it means to have boys.