Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Okay, so it isn't on time, but I was too busy celebrating to write it then! We had all sorts of fun and then I got to light some major fireworks. Our neck of the woods allows for us to purchase and set off our own displays. I love an item called an artillery shell. It has a launch tube! It throws a firework into the sky with a big WHOMP and then it burst into a big circle of lights. Much like the commercial displays you see. This year I learned that if you load an artillery shell upside down, the launch tube explodes. And your audience runs screaming in terror as the shell then explodes into color, on the ground. BUT it wasn't me that set the trash barrel on fire, this year. It was the kids with sparklers! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sounds like fun! I expected that kind of firework screw up from Steve, but not you! LOL! Next year we will just park a fire truck out your way first.