Monday, March 23, 2009

Will's Translation

No pictures because Caitlyn busted my camera :(
But I have a funny story.
At church, the older kids (K-5th) go to a program we have called KidsTown. There is singing and crafts and they memorize a Bible verse and repeat it the next week to earn tickets. Tickets are later cashed in for some incredible prizes!
The verse last week was from Isaiah "Thought the grass withers and the flowers fade, the word of our God remains forever" Isaiah 40:8
When asked to repeat it yesterday, Will had his own translation:
"The grass is dead, the flowers are fake but the word of our God stays around."
After we all finished laughing, we gave him his tickets.
That's my boy....right to the point.

1 comment:

suzanne said...

love it! And I love that you take the kids to church. We take Emma too, she gets better at being quiet every time. But you know how us Catholics seem to drag everything out. Last week Donald's stomach growled and Emma announced to everyone that "Daddy Farted" I thought Donald was going to die.