Monday, August 22, 2011

Horse Show Practice

Starting in early summer a text goes out to at least a dozen people on the High Plains.  Horse show practice will start.  Those that get the text realize that to answer the call is a unique opportunity for the coaching of our sons and daughters.  A very selfless vet student, who has done the show circuit, helps out any who answer the call.  All she asks is that you come to practice and have a good attitude.  This is the third year we have answered the call.  There are times I don't want to: I am tired, I can't borrow a trailer, I just went, it's too hot...But, most times we respond with varying degrees of enthusiasm.  The only time we didn't have fun was when Shiloh refused to get in the trailer to go home and I had to ride him home (six plus miles, over active railroad tracks and across a four lane highway), but even then, we had fun until that happened.  This year we have a supportive and fun group that worked on trail class one evening.  The moms have figured it out and this night we had a potluck with pulled pork, chips and cupcakes that even the horses got into.  Many thanks to all! 

And how was your day?

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