Sunday, September 25, 2011

News from the Front....

Portales, New Mexico

This just in: Meanest Mom in the world conspires with Meanest Dad in the world to force children to help clean up house on a Sunday.

We have just learned that mother of four, Momster, called upon the support of her spouse, Dadster, and have, by use of force, made their four young children work in the house.
Witnesses say that there was yelling, protests from the innocent children, in regards to the mess under beds and behind dressers.
"It wasn't mine!  I didn't do that," said one victim, whose identity has been hidden for security purposes.
"It isn't right that I have to clean up a bedroom I share with someone!  The mess isn't mine!"
More protests were heard from the garage where resistance was even stronger!
"This isn't our stuff, why do we have to clean it!"
"Even God rested on Sunday! Why do we have to do all the work."
The stuff in question seemed to be everything from soccer gear to a multitude of shoes, confirming the rumor that there was no way these four innocent children could possibly be responsible for the wide range of debris.  Two dogs were also implicated, but their fate isn't certain.  They were found hiding in crates and were not available for comment.
The two adults in this altercation had this to say:
"I am tired of playing, "dear-heaven-what-is-that-smell".  These kids live in this house and they need to start making an effort in keeping it up.  I can't do it all on mine own."  This is obviously an attempt to get out of work on her part.  She refused more comments, claiming that she needed to finish scrubbing the floor and ridding the laundry room of, "some strange funk."
The male in the equation had this to say, "This isn't a punishment.  No one is being punished.  This is simply everyone working together to do what needs to be done."
Last seen was a seven year old boy sitting, crying on the floor.  He was being forced to sweep crumbs and dirt into a dust pan.  There is no word of his fate.
Another lingering sight, is of an eight year old boy, cruelly given a separate chore from his twin.  He was too overcome to give a comment.
These photos were reveal the emotions behind this story.  There were taken by an infiltrator with a hidden camera.

Representatives for KAWC, Kids Against Work Coalition were reportedly on their way.  The feeling is strong that these two parents need brought to justice for their crimes against childhood.

We will bring you more from this story as it develops.

"Motherhood: 24/7 on the frontlines of humanity. Are you man enough?" - Maria Shriver

And how was your day?

1 comment:

Jenny said...

This story seems to be playing itself out across Roosevelt county. Parents everywhere are forcing their children to pitch in with household chores. Whether its wiping every leg and seat of dining room chairs or picking up toys, Roosevelt county children are being forced into labor. There are reports of one child calling social services and trying to report the abuse from the hands of these seemingly uncaring parents. But she was greeted with a recording that the offices were closed for the weekend due to a high demand of such calls. The recording went on to say that if the child would leave a message and an address, they would be put on a list of places that needed a home visit and inspection. At the word inspection, the child quickly disconnected the call and got her ass into gear.