It would figure that when the flu comes, it comes in waves. Nothing sends me scrambling for Lysol and spray disinfectant like the call of, "my tummy hurts."
Like everything else at the ranch, we do things big. First was Caitlyn. She announced that her stomach hurt and she was just plain sick. She spent a day in bed, reading. The second day I went in the wake her for school and she shrieked that her head hurt and I just shut the door. Some times I feel that tween/teen behavior is worse than anything a toddler and throw at you.
After I took the kids to school, I brought her a drink and some meds. She recovered after that and I wiped down or sprayed every surface in our house.
Alas, the evil virus had already laid siege to our home. Twenty-four hours after Caitlyn, Conner succumbed. He patiently sipped ginger ale and watched old Nickelodeon shows on Netflix.
We had a small reprieve and then James, too, fell victim. Only this time, there was actual puke. Three times, which is three times too many for my tender stomach. It lingered longest with him, causing fatigue and loss of appetite.
Then, just after a great birthday, I felt horrible. I was able to muscle through most days, but then last night, William got sick.
Not to let his twin out do him, he managed to produce copious amounts of returned food.
Luckily for me, Steve was home and able to take point on that.
So, today, William stayed home and I napped on the couch.
Yes, it was lazy, but after a siege, you just have to rest.
Now, on to the laundry.
And how was your day?
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