Today is September 11. That brings up many memories, laced with an equal measure of both fear and pride. Fear was rampant as I watched the airplanes collide with the towers. Fear, as I watched the towers come tumbling down. Fear, as I watched thousands of people run to safety.
Pride was there, too, and brought just as many tears. Pride in watching strangers help each other from wreckage. Pride in watching first responders enter each and every danger zone with one purpose, to save lives. Pride in watching and being a part of my nation swell with unity and strength.
America reeled from an attack on home soil. We have grown used to seeing the horrors of war from afar. Not since Pearl Harbor have we had an attack on American soil. Yet, I know there are other people in countries both war torn or in recovery that ask, why are you so special? What makes you so different?
Americans often sees war as images and video. We see refuges, we see crying, orphaned children, we see homes and lives destroyed, but we don't really live it. Some would say we are spoiled. Some would say we have a superiority complex, but let me ask you, what would the world be like without America?
For that matter, it isn't just America. It is the Austrailias, the Englands, The Irelands, the Spains, The Italies, the Argentinas and the Switzerlands of the entire world. It is the safe locations around our globe that matter, that are needed.
The world, the war torn and the despairing, need some place that they can know is safe. They need to know that somewhere, there is a place where war isn't epidemic, that there is a place where culture exists, where science can flourish, where people can grow kind hearted. They need to know there is a place where children down grow up learning not the tools of war, but learn agriculture and art, reading and medicine, where they can worship the God of their ancestors and not fear reprisal.
The world needs to know, that somewhere, people can get it right....or almost right. That there is a place where parents can safely tuck their children in bed and not worry about where they will be in the morning. Where food and help and safety are available, even for a price, they are still available.
It gives people in places like Eastern Europe and the Middle East a place to cast their attention and say, I want this for my country, there doesn't have to be war, there can be a future. If people see England or Argentina as a fairy tale land, well, then that gives them hope, a goal. It gives them a dream. They can run to it, or they can turn and recreate it. It is the power of an idea.
Think about what it would be like if people in these downtrodden, war wracked places looked across the breadth of the horizon and only saw....war, chaos, hate and pain. Would they have hope? Knowledge that somewhere, the world is better? That there is a place where children play on swing sets and seniors grow gardens?
Without America (warts and all, don't get me wrong on that), there is no safety net for people beyond the reality of war. There is no hope that it can and does get better. There is no goal, no fight or perseverance.
By being a war free world, America, (and the other lucky nations) provide a snap shot to the world of a hope we all share. A hope that the world can evolve into something better. We deserve it. As citizens of the world, and the only known home of the human race, we deserve better from each other.
So, rather than raise the hate, remember the pride. Remember selfless hands stretched out to help. Every time hate is passed on, pass on compassion, understanding and love.
The world needs America....but sometimes, America needs to be reminded why.
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