Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kids, Kows and More

Caitlyn recently attended a Fourth grade tradition on the High Plains.  She attended Kids, Kows and More, which is an educational agricultural program.  In Third grade they attended Farm Safety Day and that too, was a great experience.  This is the essay, as dictated to me, from Caitlyn, about her day.

What I learned at Kids, Kows and More
At Kids, Kows and More, we had lots of fun.  I’ve learned the six types of cows: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Holstein, Jersey, Gurnsey and Milking Shorthorn.  The milking was so cool and I liked Grace, the cow. 
We learned that you should cook your hamburger at 160 degrees or 180 degrees.  We also learned how to properly wash our hands.  Step one: wet your hands with warm water.  Step two: apply soap.  Step three: sing the ABC’s two times or twenty seconds while scrubbing your hands, top to bottom, between fingers and finger nails.  Step four: rinse away germs.  Step five: dry your hands with a clean towel or a paper towel.
 In Ranching, she should have talked about more than her cowboy boots.
We all loved Food Safety, it taught us how to be food smart.  We think there should be something on horses.  We learned it is not right to stick a food thermometer in not properly cooked meat and then stick it in a nice clean piece of meat
We learned that cotton is a plant.  It was funny when the cotton man showed us very huge underpants.  You should have taught something about peanuts.  We are peanut country!
Next year the third graders will love it when they go in Fourth Grade, like we did.  There should be more animals, besides one cow.  The burgers we ate don’t count.  There should also be something on emergencies. 
We all loved South West Cheese.   I totally wish I had more cheese!
We learned that we should have three servings of milk a day.  We learned about how, if you put too much cheese in the box you will have a blown up cheese box.  We are proud that we are the number one best selling cheese factory in the world. 
Thanks to the emergency booklet you gave me, I know that we need: a radio, a flashlight, extra batteries, a dust mask, food your family would eat, a floatation device in case of floods, pens, books, coloring books, etc.  Also, to keep your pets with you.
For your pets, you need: a bunch of dog toys, food, special medicines, lidocaine,  bandages and water.  All of that was because of the book you gave me.  I read the book. 
We all loved the trip!  You guys did a good job on the food.  All of the kids in my class liked the food, even me! 
The way they rotated was very cool, how they put on the music and we rotated left.  All of the city kids learned lots about the country.  .
We learned so much I can’t say it all.  We got to try some grain and wheat. Learning about the ancestors of wheat was awesome. 
We had a break after the wheat and we took pictures by the statues.  The Dora Coyote’s Fourth Grade had lots of fun.  We like the popcorn at the end.
We learned a lot at Kids, Kows and More.

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