Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Twin bonds

I was talking on Facebook the other day about how my kids fuss and fight with each other in the mornings.
Later that afternoon, the twins' teacher replied to my post:

Ah Julie, you should have seen your boys gravitate to each other this afternoon when William wasn't feeling good. Jimmy was feeling of his head and looking in his eyes. It was very sweet!!!!

I love it when the twin bond sets in and they are so caring and gentle of each other.
It reminded me of when they were two and I would take them, one at a time, to an indoor pool.  Once, I had James and through the entire swim session, he kept saying, "Nunum" .  For the life of me, I couldn't figure it out.  We got home and James squirmed down from me, ran to William and yelled, "Nunum," and hugged him.  It was "William" in twinspeak.  James wanted him brother.  *happy sigh* 

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