Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In a dither

So long between posts, I have no excuse.  I have reasons, which really don't qualify, but are there, nonetheless!
I learned to knit, which when learning anything new, has become something of an obsession.  New legwarmers have replaced soccer socks for Caitlyn.  I am working on a new stitch on a scarf and, wait for it, I am rocking some circular needles in an attempt to make a Harry Potter hat.  There is a great book, found here, that is all projects inspired by good old HP.
I have been totally amazed by the creativity and complexity.  I have been scared, cowering away from them, but compelled to desire them all the same!  As my lovely friend Annie has said, that's conquerable!  Mostly because I think she figured out if she said, oh that's easy, I was going to take delight in putting one of my DPN through her eye.
I have also been up to my eyeballs in kids stuff.  Yes, it is the glamorous (cough cough) stuff that fills my usual blogs, baseball, soccer, and animals.  We had a wonderful soccer season and are in the middle of our baseball season.  Animal season never ends!

So, my life in pictures:

And how was your day?

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