Caitlyn and her intrepid partner, Sam, have discovered Little Wranglers Junior Rodeo, a group whose purpose is to introduce children to rodeo in a safe and supportive manner. It does, all night long!
While I totally love it, and Caitlyn is having a wonderful time, we find ourselves not getting home until about midnight, and we leave after the fourth event!!!
She competes in barrel racing, flag race and pole bending. For those who don't know rodeo, let me explain. Barrel racing involves three barrels set up in a clover leaf pattern. The rider races at top speed circles the barrels one at a time and races back. The flag race involves a flag set on a barrel at the end of the arena. The rider races to the barrel at top speed, grabs the flag and races back. At full speed. In poles, the rider races at top speed through a pattern of six poles. Then they race back, at full speed. Sense a theme here? These are timed events and while my daughter is full gunning, God bless her horse, Sam. Sam has a sensible head on him and understands his full job is "do what The Girl tells you to, but get The Girl home safely". I love this horse.
This is Caitlyn and Sam with their friend, Allie. Notice Caitlyn's helmet. She is one of three that wear them. She wasn't happy, but it was part of our deal.
Twice now, we have been moved to an indoor area due to lightning. Here is what happens while kids wait for their events.
Here, two girls show that, yes, they can mulit-task by cooling their horses AND talking:
For the kids Five and under, the calf scramble. There is a ribbon tied to a calf and the kids are on that poor creature like zombies on the slow guy.
These horses are chosen for their ability to work well with kids, like this...ummm, full figured gal.
So, as the kids wait their go-rounds, the adults eat fantastic BBQ in the stands. They wait to cheer on the cautious slow runs as much as the fast runs. They saddle, bridle, lead and wipe tears. They coach, they feed, they drive the trailers. Some day, some of these youngsters may end up in Pro Rodeo.
Then, they can stay up to midnight on their own.
And how was your day?
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