William likes clothes. He doesn't go for trends or flash. He doesn't insist on bling and sometimes his sense of style is...unique.
We are fortunate enough to get some hand me down clothes from a friend of ours. Going through that bag of clothes is a lot like Christmas for all my boys, but mostly for William. Irregardless of the weather or season or even occasion, if he finds something that really strikes his fancy, he wears it.
This morning he came down dressed in jeans (hand me down or HMD), and a sweatshirt (HMD). I could also see the edge of a plaid button down shirt (HMD) peeking over his sweatshirt. Since he wasn't in danger of either having heat stroke, or frostbite, I ignored the color combination and sent him off on the morning carpool with a kiss and a wave.
I did hear back from my morning mom, Tawna. The following is a partial transcript:
William: Mrs. Tawna, do you see my tie, I am wearing a tie.
Tawna: That's great, very fancy.
William: When I am older I am always going to dress fancy. I am going to work.
Conner: Are you going to work for ABC's?
William: No, I am going to work for money.
Tawna managed to get the kids to school without wrecking due to laughter. I had no idea he had a clip on tie (HMD) under the other layers. He liked it, so he wore it, just like when he used to wear the belt and suspenders "just to be sure". Comfort is important, because he had it clipped below the top button (left open).
I might add that we wore a red and navy striped tie with an orange and mid blue plaid shirt, but, he was decent, clean and very fancy.
On another note, we have been seeing the dentist, one at a time. Michelle, our hygienist is a gift of patience. She engages the kids and has them all firming believing that the dentist is the coolest place to go and the "Me first!" rule should be used. To avoid the "Me First" woes, I simply announced we would all go, in birth order. That usually heads off all arguments except when James complains about the one measly minute separating him and William.
Our first appointment was on a day when the kids had off from school due to parent teacher conferences. We went in the morning and Caitlyn got a clean bill of dental health and a new toothbrush. We learned that Michelle's son was attending school at Dora.
Two days later I take William in. Does he say "Hi", "Hello" or "Good Morning"? Nope. He sits in the chair and as soon as Michelle comes in he says, "So, how was parent conference?"
Michelle was only startled for a micro second before giving William a run down of the conference. I told her later he could have given her the lecture on the start and end times of the Civil War (1861-1865) and that while slavery was involved, you just can't decide to leave the nation if you are a state.
It could have been far worse, seeing as his Reading Rocks group is reading a book on Mountain Gorillas (which are big "like Dad").
And how was your day?
1 comment:
We love HMDs and Michelle, too! Even Drew liked going to the dentist.
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