Friday, December 5, 2014

Tired Children

So, we have this great old ranch horse named Jake. Jake is fantastic with the kids.  He does show, he does rodeo, he does gymkhana, he does nerf guns.
One thing Jake doesn't do, is fencing.  This old guy has actually gone through FIVE strand fencing.  So, I have an idea while sitting with Mom while she was in Lubbock.
Today, I went out to Big Valley Auto Sales and was given carte blanche to their reject tire pile.  Woot Woot!  I took the trailer and the kids and we stacked and stacked.  We drove home and the assembly process began. 
Now, I can't tell you if it was successful, because despite our efforts, we still have more fencing to cover!  But it is a great start!

Here's to more racking and stacking in the future!
And how was your day?

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