Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treating was great. Steve stayed home with poor Jimmy and Oh-My and I took out the other three. The first house we went to, William marched right up, rang the bell and when the door opened...walked in. That's my boy! Then he became a crazy man. He was frantic about getting to the next house with a porch light on. He was unfazed by an spooky decoration or costume. Conner was put off a bit by some of the scarier things, but he wasn't about to be left behind! Caitlyn was a sweet sister and took and extra pumpkin around for Jimmy, telling every house, "This is for a sick brother." What fun we had. Conner wanted to go "another two hours." but we called it quits when they began to stumble. Luckily it was a fairly mild night for us, so this year, we didn't freeze!

1 comment:

suzanne said...

Love the trick or treaters! They are so cute. I am sure that they had a blast with mom too! Sorry to hear Jimmy was sick, that's the worst when you are little. Thank goodness for big sisters :)