Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fires, Hospitals and Halloween

Well, California was charred extra crispy. My sister, Jen, and her family evacuated but they and their house are safe. After a week in exile in Anaheim, they were able to return home and start cleaning.
William had pneunomia and pulled thru by staying at home. Jimmy ended up in the hospital for two nights. Not much fun, but the little man cub is doing better. We did much better than Jori who ended up with four our of five children hospitalized from September thru October.
Halloween is here just as Jimmy comes home. Jimmy is staying behind, but scored some good candy and toys at the pediatric ward. I will be taking William, fireman, Caitlyn, witch and Conner, Dalmation out for the seasonal beg for sugar.
I am adding a picture of Conner in costume, a monster of a cake that I made, and one very clever boy from school. If you can't guess what he is dressed as...think chick magnet!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That kid from school is hilarious!!!! How clever!

We enjoyed our begging for sugar from perfect strangers. Hit the base housing, was really nice. This year we actually got some chocolate (can you believe last year the kids didn't get ANY! Just tons of generic suckers and now or laters). Then we hit the nursing home.

Glad the boys are doing better. I'm so sorry they have been sick! Hope they stay well for a while.