Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Interfere not in the affairs of Dragons....

Dragons come in many forms.  They are cleverly hidden.  Let me take you on a short journey of a few I have run into lately.
It is no secret that at my house, we are all "Pot-heads", i.e. Harry Potter fans.  We are all still too young to even think of a midnight showing.  And quite frankly that is usually when the freaks come out, you know, things that go bump in the night.
So we opted for a Monday morning matinee, first movie out of the box!  We bought our tickets early (didn't need to, but it made us feel special) and donned our glasses.  The movie hiccuped several times in the first couple of minutes, then it stuttered, it paused and then went black.  Several times.  I stepped out of the theater to check and the second time, I was offered a refund.  Yes, I do believe I will.  I signed up for the refund and went back to the theater.  My children were not unattended, let me make that perfectly clear. We had been joined by another family and were sitting in a large group that took up one plus rows. 
In the end, we sort of saw the movie.  We will likely see it again.  I found out that after our disaster of a screening, the theater stopped selling Potter tickets for the day.  On the way home, the children told me about the dragon. 
They hadn't spoken earlier, because my Mama Bear would have emerged, searched out the dragon and vanquished it in a flurry of large words and pointed insults.  Bet you didn't know that I am a WereBear!
The kids said that when I went out of the theater (when the film had stalled out, mind you) the boys (my twins and another) had chatted.  Hey, kids talk.  They talk at dinner, they talk while in the shower and they talk during movies.  That is why we went to a matinee.  It was the "kid hour".  When the children had chatted, a dragon disguised as a women in front of them, had turned and said, "Shut the F--- up!"  Except she didn't use dash marks.
I was so angry!  Of course kids talk, in a kid movie!  It isn't as if we took them to an adult movie or even an evening showing.  We took them to see a kid's movie based on a kid's book!!!  So this dragon had a lot of nerve and I wish the children had told me earlier.  Then again maybe not.  I might be in jail right now!

Another type of dragon we have is quite common for us, but is actually an endangered species: Horned Lizards, or as we call them, Horned toads.  We are lucky enough to have a very healthy population at our home.  We catch them and play with them, as they are fairly gentle creatures.  We always return them to their home.  Today, I had a rare chance to see something most people will never, ever see; an infant horned lizard.
He was maybe the size of a nickle.  That is a half inch standard garden hose next to him.  He had almost no horns or spikes, just bumps.  I returned him back to his area, a place where he fit under weeds, like I stand under a tree.  For more information on horned lizards go HERE.

So, may the dragons in your life be the kind that scurries through the dirt and not the kind that drops f-bombs on your kids!

And how was your day?

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