Friday, July 15, 2011

Woman Power and Santa Claus

My days are never, ever empty.  I am filled with trips to cheer practice, VBS, swimming pools and horse show practice.  I can hitch a trailer (and back it up, thank you very much), load cranky horses, fix the strap on stiff swim fins and build a fence.
I say help, because my husband and I both have come to  conclusions about our fleeting youth and hired help to make the fence.  It started out as a project for a friend's fiance.  I had a section of fence that was down a lot and it kept grounding out my hot charger.  I had him come out and walk it, give me an estimate and we filed it away, planning our projects (I will have flower pots in the front yard, etc.).
Enter an extremely tense conflict with a neighbor.  The fence line is now in error and posts are going up in my pasture.  Personally, loosing 10-20 feet of pasture isn't a grave concern, t-posts without fencing are.  The horses don't see them since they are new, and the potential for injury is there.  My horses are just like me, accident prone.
So, project planning changed and one afternoon I found a section of fence line unhooked from a corner post and I knew that fence building had to become a priority.
The young man I had planned on doing the building was getting some great hours with his real job and was unable to come any time soon.  Step in his fiance (my friend), her friend and a great friend of mine who lives on a farm.  Let's face it, I have horses and poultry, but no true farming experience.  When Jenny does a fence, it is measured in miles!
I admit, we did a great job.  In two days we had sunk and concreted two telephone poles to act as corner posts, pounded in 12 t posts (into hard pan soil) and about 12 rebar posts in between.  We then took heavy wire (think bard wire without the barbs) and using a truck and 'come-a-long' stretched that puppy tight.  Twice.  We used post clips, insulators and very fun tools.  We did it with laughter, beer, soda and sunburn!  We did it while the horses stuck their heads into truck windows and while the kids ran water to and from.
In short terms, we rocked it.
The second half of this post goes to my son, William, who makes life a grand adventure.  Yesterday morning, we were waiting on a delivery of t-posts and William was schooling Amanda on checkers, I sorted through bags of hand-me-downs and came across a costume.  William was thrilled.  He had to put it on, now. He wore it the whole day.  He wore it to VBS.
He was so happy.  In the end, I was delighted with him and watched with joy as he made so many people smile.

And how was your day?

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