Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Error of Hypocracy

Once upon a time there was a woman who made a mistake. She put pictures on her website that contained images of someone else's child. It was an honest mistake, the thumbnails didn't show everything and it had been a while since she had looked at the photos.
She received several vehement emails on every email she had access to, demanding that the photos be removed. She removed the photos and apologized. She swore she would never post photos of the other woman's children again.
Now is where it gets interesting. This woman was recently told that pictures of her own children are on the other woman's facebook and blog, without permission, as well as picture of this woman's personal artistic creations.
Pot, meet Kettle. Your black.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow...Some people apparently have too much time on their hands. I guess that's what happens when you run out of drugs and are sober long enough to read. I'm all for forgiveness, but looks like maybe this person should try it, too. But of course, that blinding sunshine out of their ass probably impedes their judgment. Then again, I'm not sure how the sunshine gets out when their head is up there 99.9% of the time. I wouldn't sweat it. You've got a much better life now, anyway. Mistakes happen. Of course, you could always just tell this person to Fuck Off...Works for me! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment. Language! My poor eyes! LOL, I know sometimes a hearfelt cuss is what a situation requires, just look at the Irish. (I do!)
I believe the previous person and her church have convinced me that someone like me is no longer welcome there.

Moving on.

Julie the Out-Numbered said...

Wow, I guess the story I wrote garnered a lot of discussion!
I do ask that we keep it clean and don't point fingers. As admin, I did delete a finger pointing comment. It was very sanctimonious and painted Christians in a bad light. There is enough of that in the world without me perpetuating it.
The bad language I did allow because I understand that a word is simply a word unless someone else gives it meaning. I also have a bunch of hot tempered people in my extended family and I have heard it all. No shock there.
In the end, it is my blog and the choice is mine.